Healthy Oceans, Healthy People has joined the Million Mangrove Challenge to Take Action for Climate Change for giving Tuesday 11/29/22. We are collaborating with Only One, other non-profits, and Eden Restoration in Kenya to plant 1 million mangroves in Mida Creek, north of Mombasa, Kenya.
100% of donations goes to planting mangroves!

Why are Mangroves Important
Mangroves, shrub/woody trees, live along sheltered coastlines in tropical or subtropical areas. Mangrove ecosystems are critical feeding grounds for thousands of species. They provide sheltered nurseries for fish and provide fish with protection from predators. Mangroves help replenish fish stocks due to overfishing.
Mangroves also play an important role in protecting the coastal environment from storm surge which can cause coastal erosion.
Mangrove forests absorb and store carbon from the atmosphere. They absorb 4-10 times more carbon dioxide than trees in forests on land. Mangroves use carbon from carbon dioxide for their leaves, roots and branches. When the leaves and older trees die this stored carbon is buried in the seafloor. “Blue carbon” is also stored underwater in other coastal ecosystems such as salt marshes and seagrass beds.
For more information on mangroves check out: