The interconnections between ocean health and human health and well-being underscore the importance for effective and sustainable ocean conservation ...
A Grateful Heart: Giving Thanks to the Life-Sustaining Ocean
In the US as we gather and share moments of gratitude this Thanksgiving, let's take a moment to extend our appreciation to our vast and ...
Hawaiian Wisdom for Ocean Conservation Practices: Living Pono
Living Pono embodies a deep reverence for nature and acknowledges the interconnectedness of all things. Rooted in ancient wisdom, this philosophy ...
Ocean Stewardship
Oceans and Human Health (Second Edition) Opportunities and Impacts 2023, Pages 745-774 Chapter 24 - Oceans and human health stewardship, ...
6 Reasons Why Coral Reefs are Important
Most of us know coral reefs are beautiful, but did you know that they are a vital component of ocean health? In recent decades many of the world's ...
The Arctic is Melting
I was fortunate to embark on an Arctic adventure with 12 talented photographers. I prepared for the cold, anticipating average Arctic temperatures ...
Marine Natural Products for Human Health and Ocean Conservation
Marine natural products are a promising source for medicinal breakthroughs and highlight the importance of preserving our marine ...
4 Ways the Arctic Ecosystem is Impacted by Climate Change
The polar ecosystems are experiencing accelerated effects of environmental change. Alarmingly, the Arctic is warming twice as fast as other global ...
Million Mangrove Challenge
Healthy Oceans, Healthy People has joined the Million Mangrove Challenge to Take Action for Climate Change for giving Tuesday 11/29/22. We are ...